Wednesday, August 11, 2004
  This is how it all ends

This is it. Last post. After around 7 months of blogging, I have gotten completely off course and have gone on to use this as a journal. Something I was trying to avoid. I wanted to have blog to show pictures of retarded black men in shopping carts, but I have failed in my mission, so I bid adieu to all who kept checking back. Unless there is incredible public outcry, this will be end for "livingwithoutintestines.blogspot.com." Even though livingwithoutintestines was the best address name ever. But before I go, I must urge all to rent, buy, borrow, but please don't steal

Not like I need to urge you that much. A great, great, great, great, great flick that I enjoyed thouroughly. Even better than the first in my opinion, but many have argued with me on that point. It's just I prefer more bad-ass diolouge to senseless violence, although both are good times in my book. Volume 2 is just more of my kind of cool. So, since most of you have hopefully seen the first, you'll bee seeing this one. If the first one scared you off because of the violence, check this one out, you don't have to see the first to see this one. If you've already seen it, I'm sure you're buying it.

We've really had a bunch of dang cool flicks this year. KILL BILL vol 2, ANCHORMAN, SPIDEY 2, ETERNAL SUNSHINE. STARSKY AND HUTCH and DAWN OF THE DEAD were pretty cool too, though not up to the coolness of the others. And that's not all the good movies this year, just the ones that I find particularly cool. Then later this year we're gonna get SKY CAPTAIN AND THE WORLD OF TOMORROW(which is gonna rock, just you wait), HERO, THE LIFE AQUATIC, and I'm sure others I am not thinking of. Better than last year where the only really cool flicks were KILL BILL vol. 1, BUBBA HO-TEP, PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN, and RETURN OF THE KING. And I think the flicks this year have last years pretty much beat, although none of them have had any awesome Elvis action like BUBBA HO-TEP. Well, I guess, I better end this, I could keep talking movie forever.

I end this blog with the lyrics to a song by the only band that could ever truly express my feelings, ABBA.

No more carefree laughter

Silence ever after

Walking through an empty house, tears in my eyes

Here is where the story ends, this is goodbye

Knowing me, knowing you

There is nothing we can do

Knowing me, knowing you

We just have to face it, this time we're through

Breaking up is never easy, I know but I have to go

Knowing me, knowing you

It's the best I can do

Memories, good days, bad days

They'll be with me always

In these old familiar rooms children would play

Now there's only emptiness, nothing to say

Knowing me, knowing you

There is nothing we can do

Knowing me, knowing you

We just have to face it, this time we're through

Breaking up is never easy, I know but I have to go

Knowing me, knowing you

It's the best I can do

"LADIO!!!! LADIO!!! I AM LADIO!!!!!"

November 2003 - August 2004
Rest in Peace
Give me back my son
Visit my movie blog:http://aintitcoolcorey.blogspot.com

November 2003 / December 2003 / January 2004 / February 2004 / March 2004 / April 2004 / May 2004 / July 2004 / August 2004 /


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