Wednesday, May 12, 2004
  blah blah blah blahg

"Everyone has those bad habits. Those things that despite how much one is disgusted by his own actions, he still finds morbid pleasure out of these activities. I find mine being cow sex, child molesting, and blogging."
-George Washington

oh, blah blah blah blah blah blah blahditty blah blahgging blahgging blaah blah blahbitty bitty blah i don't understand life blah blah blah it's boring blah blah blah why don't people do things more often blah blah blah maybe i'm not invited blah blah blah blah wah wah wah whine and complain bitch and moan blah blah blah why don't girls like me blah statics show at least one of them has the boobs blah blah blah i just want sex blah blah blah now blah blah my life is so confusing blah blah blah now let me tell you my deep feelings blah blah blah i don't know who i am blah blah i don't understand life blah blah blah i love blahgs blah blah blogs blahgs they're wonderful things blah blah can't get enough blah blah blah blah it helps clean all your feelings from your mind and flush them down the internet toilet into everyone's minds blah blah its like an enema for the mind blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

i'm taking a break from this, man. this blogging. or blahgging if you want to be as clever as me. i'll come back to it sometime. but not to talk about my life or analyze or do any of that. this is a break to help me purge the urge to talk about my life and stuff like that on this thing. it's not a healthy way to spend my time. i think it's almost caused me to care too much. which for me is to start caring at all. i'm trying to get back to the right frame of mind. i liked my last few posts, but i was about to write about my life and thoughts and stuff that wouldn't be of any real help to anybody and they weren't any real deep thoughts that a brisk walk, a movie, or hanging out with Jed or Davey wouldn't cure. i'm not gonna update this blog nor go to anyone else's blog(well, at least people around here's blogs) for a while. it's just something i need to do. i have noticed that people haven't been updating their blogs as much. good for you guys, but the fact that i actually noticed is a bit sad.

so, i guess this would be a good time to post how much you hate me in your own blogs since i won't be reading them. or go to the comments and tell me how much you love this and me to encourage me to come back to this. then i'll tell you to fuck off. i do what i want.

yeah, so i'm going to go watch some movies. have a great summer. and

Sunday, May 09, 2004
  Hey this looks different The ol' Blogger people redesigned the ol' blogger place. So this feels kinda new and exciting even though I've been at this blogging thing for awhile.

One thing that they've done is made it easier to look back over your previous posts. It's great. It's interesting going back over them. My blog used to be a lot more fun. Well, my last post of Quotes and Cliches was pretty fun. I'm going to do that again. Overall it's a good change.


Marky Mark was a pretty awesome guy wasn't he? A whole lot cooler than Mark Wahlberg. Mark Wahlberg is just holding the Marky Marky down. I'm thinking of trying to be more like Marky Mark. Totally at one of the artwalks I should just totally dress all Marky Mark(which basically means to take off my shirt) and just do a whole Marky Mark rap set. That'd totally ROCK! Just like Marky Mark.


To love is to suffer.

To avoid suffering one must not love.

But then one suffers from not loving.

Therefore, to love is to suffer;

Not to love is to suffer;

To suffer is to suffer.

To be happy is to love.

To be happy, then, is to suffer,

But suffering makes one unhappy.

Therefore, to be happy, one must love

Or love to suffer

Or suffer from too much happiness.

-Diane Keaton in Woody Allen's Love and Death
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
  Quotes and cliches

"You know that look women get when they want sex? Me neither."
-Steve Martin

Haste makes waste

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it by not dying."
-Woody Allen

"A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do."
-Bob Dylan

All is fair in love and war.

"A man's only as old as the woman he feels."
-Groucho Marx

"When caught between two evils I generally pick the one I've never tried before."
-Mae West

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

"Everyone should keep someone else's diary."
-Oscar Wilde

"If it turns out that there is a God, I don't think that he's evil. But the worst that you can say about him is that basically he's an underachiever." -Woody Allen

The more things change, the more they stay the same

"I could never be a woman, 'cause I'd just stay home and play with my breasts all day."
-Steve Martin

"I am not interested in money. I just want to be wonderful."
-Marilyn Monroe

Every cloud has a silver lining

"I can't sit through plays and musical theatre. I just want to run up onstage and mess up their hair and turn over the furniture."
-Billy Bob Thornton

"Life doesn't imitate art. It imitates bad television."
-Woody Allen

Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country

"It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to paint it."
-Steven Wright

"I don't like the idea of getting killed, of anybody getting killed, but especially me."
-Clint Eastwood

Money can't buy you happiness

"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others."
-Groucho Marx

"Too much of a good thing is wonderful."
-Mae West

Such is life, and it's getting sucher and sucher

Monday, May 03, 2004
  That was the end, beautiful friends

Well, Footloose is done. It's over. It is no more. It now only lives in our hearts and memories. I'm gonna miss it. I didn't think I would, but I will. I do. It was really fun to perform. I'm going to miss performing it. It gave me such a great performing high. It's like I became addicted to performing again. And now my supply has been cut off. Guess, I'll just have to go back to sniffing glue. I don't know how much I'll miss practicing it besides the fact that it gave me something fun to do. Actually, I probably will. Looking back, it really was a good time. Thanks to everyone. It was fun.

Another reason why I have more of a feeling of loss about this more than I have with most of the other plays is that I know what's coming up next. STEEL MAGNOLIAS!!! Now, more than ever, do I think that that is a really horrible idea. Mainly because of what we accomplished with Footloose. Saturday night, we had the most people ever at one of the plays. Ever. We set the record. I mean, I heard of people who don't normally go to anything like this, but heard it was good, so they came. If Slechta played it right, he could really build on the success of this. I don't know if 6 woman sitting around a hair salon place(or whatever the setting of it is) will be the right way to follow up. Also I bet he could get more students involved if they knew it was going to be something like Footloose. I don't know what would be good to follow Footloose, though. Maybe anything. Also what is Story Theatre? or whatever the name of the play after Steel Magnolias is. The name just sounds like it will suck. I hope it's something good. It'd be nice to go out on something good. I'm kinda jealous of the seniors who get to go out with this. This is like the perfect play to go out on. Something that was a lotta fun, set records, people loved. Lucky bastards.

In my last post I wrote that I wanted this weekend to be great cuz I was having a great time in life. Well, yeah, it was a really good weekend. I don't know, I guess the kind of weekend where at the end of it you're listening to a bunch of U2 and watching a bunch of Woody Allen films. Which is what I did after the strike party last night. It was a good night.

And now it's Monday. Funny how life works like that.

Hit it with a swagger
Underneath I'm not that strong
I'm just making it up as I go along
Saturday, May 01, 2004
  Hold me closer tiny dancer...

I never have such an overwhelming feeling that I've let down my manhood as when I'm playing DDR, foosball, or when I'm watching Jackie Chan movies.

I want this weekend to be great. I've had a really great time last weekend and a really enjoyable week and I've had a really happy feeling about life. I don't want it to stop.

Yesterday, I was over at Davey's for over 6 hours watching Jackie Chan flicks. It was some great times. I totally want to do stuff like that more often. As Davey said sometime during Operation Condor, "Jackie is the fucking man!" I've gotta agree. Damn Jackie is awesome. He just whips a chair around and smashes it and then does something else even cooler. Good times. And we're definately getting together and watching more soon.

I was at Amy Gookin's house earlier tonight. Never been there before. Her basement is the kind that was meant to have parties. I could actually probably make my basement like that if I got the energy to move stuff around. We watched Airplane! at first. It'd been a while since I've watched it. I have no idea why I don't own it. I need to. I need more fun party type movies. One's where everyone's like "dude, that rules! What?!? You haven't seen it?!!?? MY GOD, we're putting this in!! You've totally got to watch it!" Of course, I don't like ever have people over to my house, so I guess, there's no hurry. Hmm...maybe I should have people over more. I guess, like I said, if I like did stuff to my basement it'd be cooler. I don't know. Later, people started playing DDR. Which is fun, you know, but not that fun. Maybe I just wasn't in the mood for DDR.

I don't know exactly why it came into my head, but I really want a special edition dvd of Blade Runner, that'll have both the original and director's cut version. That movies just cool. I need to own it!!

I'm in a mood right now where I like want something or do something, but I don't really know what. You know like that U2 song, I still haven't found what I'm looking for. I don't know, maybe I just wanna watch fucking Blade Runner.

Damn, this movie is cool! I'm going to have to stop looking at pics for it or else I'll start crying that I'm not watching it.

I don't know, right now I think I either want to be in love or be a complete bad-ass who doesn't need anybody. Or want anybody. I've got a poster for The Godfather part III hanging above my bed. Yeah, it's a pretty weak movie, but Al Pacino looks so cool and bad-ass in that picture. He really helps me keep things in focus. And then I cry that I'm nowhere near as cool as him. I'm often torn between two feelings of how to be. On one hand I want to be Cary Grant, you know just cool, suave, someone the ladies love and the guys gotta respect. On the other hand, I want to be a bad-ass like Clint Eastwood. Or maybe just somebody like Christopher Walken or Steve Buscemi. I'd probably have a better chance of being like Buscemi or Walken than to be a incredibly cool suave guy. Although, I do look like Hugh Grant. What do you think? Am I more like Cary Grant or Steve Buscemi?

This reminds me I was reading like archives on Gregory's blog and he wrote about the casting of The Odyssey that he thought that me as the Professor was the second worst casting because the Professor was cool, calm, and smart. And I wasn't. I guess, he was saying I was lame, out of control, and stupid. It just made me laugh. Plus he posted that on my birthday.

I need to go get to sleep. Slechta wants us all to be fresh and ready for the people tomorrow night. It's going to be a whole lot of freakin' people.

"The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long - and you have burned so very, very brightly."

"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain."

Visit my movie blog:http://aintitcoolcorey.blogspot.com

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