Wednesday, April 28, 2004
  Did you write the book of love? And do you have faith in God above? If the Bible tells you so...

heh, I meant to write in here sooner and say something about how I had a great weekend. But I've been either doing stuff or have been too tired. And now the week is halfway through and now seems like old stuff. Well, I guess, I already posted some thoughts on Footloose and Saturday night had even more people, but less energy from us on stage, although I think we started kicking it up after intermission. And Saturday afternoon, I entertained the folks at Davey's LAN. Sunday, I just chilled and then me and Carrie hanged out at the coffee house for a little while and then we went over to Gregory's, where Gregory, Collin, and I continued to write a movie(Carrie also provided some ideas).

Hmm...I guess, I just basically gave the rundown my weekend. An abridged version. I don't know, I probably would've expounded on various things more. But anyway, it was some good times.

uh, and now I guess, I haven't really done anything all that exciting to write about. I could write some of the thoughts floating around in my head. Eh, but who wants to hear about that.  
Saturday, April 24, 2004
  FOOT....CUT.....LOOSE whoooaaaaaoooooaaaaaaooooooaaa!!

Well, Footloose's opening night was last night and I've gotta say it went really really well. That's not strong enough. We ROCKED!!! Man, there was so many people there! Like the whole middle section of the auditorium was like packed and the sides were pretty full too. And the audience was awesome! Maybe the best audience for one of the plays I've seen. They clapped all the time and laughed at everything. And that just gives you more energy to go out and give em more. Ah, good times. It was cool seeing all the people who have never been in one of the plays before and never quite experienced that whole feeling, especially when it was an audience like we had.

And going around greeting the people afterwards is almost as fun as performing. Just having everyone giving you love. It's a beautiful thing. It really makes you feel good. And I've got like so much energy afterwards. I don't really get all energetic and excited until I see the audience. Once I realize that there are people out there to entertain. Then I start going. And I just don't stop. I was still going when I got home. I had to watch a bad-ass 80s Kurt Russell action flick(Escape From New York - that movie rules). Good times, brother, good times.

People loved Mama Says... It was one of everyone's favorites, I've been told. That's great. I messed up a part of the song last night, though. I felt awful. I was like, "it was almost flawless until that." But I guess, most of the audience didn't notice and neither did Sam, so hey, I'll do better tonight.

Davey has got a LAN thing going on. I'm going to head over later with my guitar and provide entertainment. I can't play guitar, so it'll be some good times.

I'm always having good times.

except when I'm hearing about porn from a creepy half-naked boy while I'm putting on my pants in the men's restroom *shivers* 
Thursday, April 22, 2004
  I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass....And I'm all out of bubblegum

Wow, I don't know, but Michael Smith telling you about his favorite porn while your in the men's restroom barely clothed, just kinda scars your mind. I can't get it out of my head don't know what to do. I just feel dirty. *shivers* *shivers again* oh god.....i don't know how to handle this

Anyway *shivers* other than that, Footloose has been going pretty good. Well, today was pretty weak, but that's kinda understandable, I guess. And also Michael added that bit of.....er.....class to my day. *shivers* But Footloose is fun. I can now say that. I couldn't really say that before. I mean, I always have fun no matter what I'm doin', but Footloose practices just weren't adding to the fun. I don't know, maybe it was learning all the dances, I don't know, but I can now say Footloose is a fun time. Well....with the exceptions when a certain person tells of one of his favorite things(i'm not going to mention it again or else I think i'll start convulsing).

life is funny sometimes

and sometimes it's not.

ah, well, life is pretty cool. Kill Bill vol. 2 totally ruled! Dear Lord, I love that ,p I'm going to try to see it again theatrically. If it were playing in town, man, i'd be going like every night, so for my sake, I guess it's a good thing it's not in town. Although, it is coming to Ottumwa tomorrow. As well as, Jersey Girl, might have to check that one out too. I thought Envy was coming out tomorrow, but I guess not til the 30. Which I guess, gives me more time to see vol. 2 again.

heh, i kinda wanted to write more, but i don't know what to write. Bah, I've got stuff to watch, stuff to read, you know stuff. So, just have a good life, brother.

hmm....maybe Lacuna could help me erase that certain part of today. 
Sunday, April 18, 2004
  hmm....alright then So....that was prom....okay. You know, when you're 100 bucks ahead, it really doesn't matter what you had to go through to get it. I mean, if I had had an absolutely horrible time, I would still call the night a success, since I would then be $100 ahead. It would be like a Fear Factor thing, but without having to do dumb stuff...wait, I take that back...or not....I'm not sure. All I know is: (1. I had a good time-(2. I looked damn good-(3. I got 100 dollar gift certificate to Coral Ridge Mall. BOO YA!!!

This was the first prom I have been to and I, you know, used to say that Prom was nothing great, but after going to prom, I've got to say, Prom is nothing great(unless it's a 80s teen comedy, but unfourtunately I don't live in a Sixteen Candles world). It was fun, I had a good time. Don't get me wrong, good enough to please me, but still....yadda yadda, why am i still talking about this? Anyway, I didn't get to dance my two dances with Carrie, well, kinda, we kinda danced twice and it was a good time, but it was kinda "half-assed" to use ghetto slang. Ah, well, as Jack Lemmon said in The Apartment, " That's the way it crumbles...Cookie-wise that is."

Speaking of The Apartment, I love that movie. If anyone hasn't seen that movie, they need to see it! Probably one of my top ten favorites. Sorry about that, but whenever I make an Apartment reference, I always end up remembering how much love I have for it.

Speaking of movies, I think I'm going to go see Kill Bill vol.2 today. And probably The Ladykillers, as well. Some Tarantino and some Coen bros. Looks to be a good day for cinema for me. And spending some of my 100 dollars.

Sara H's boyfriend Andrew is becoming more and more cool to me. First it was kick-boxing like John Cusack in Say Anything... and, uh, I forget now what he did or said that made me have even more respect for him, but anyway, cool guy. If I were Sara, I'd date him.

I liked my suit. It was a good suit, wasn't it? I reminded myslelf of Steve Buscemi in Resevoir Dogs and Gregory agreed with me. Jessica and Erin thought I had a kinduva Johnny Depp thing going on and they liked that and I liked them liking that.

Sara said something last night like that I was so simple. That I wasn't that complex of a person. Just a nice simple person. It made me smile.

That Kenny Rogers picture is so big that it has totally knocked my side-bar all the way to the bottom of the page. I feel like maybe finding a smaller picture, but nah, i think i'll just keep it there until it works it's way through the system.

Can't explain all the feelings that you're making me feel
My heart's in over drive and you're behind the steering wheel
Touching you, touching me, touching you cause you're touching me
I believe in a thing called love, just listen to the rhythm of my heart


Shake it! Shake it! Shake it! Shake it! Shake it ! Shake it!

can't believe i missed HEY YA at the prom! that's like the best song to White Tornado to. it's the best song to do anything to. anything

Wednesday, April 14, 2004
  Kenny Rogers is watching you




this post is dedicated to Footloose

and the memory of Kenny Rogers

and Kenny G.

"Hey, just call me sexy."

and Kenny Loggins

"You can call me a lot of things, just don't call me late for sex."

"Hey, man, what's this Kenny Rogers shit?!? I'm the mo-fo LADIO who got you started!! Have you forgotten about me? I'm still funny!! Cuz I'm still black."

I just want to entertain. I'm tired of using my blog to talk about my life. I'm going back to my roots of mocking funny looking famous people. Thanks Sam for mentioning Kenny Rogers. He makes me laugh.

"See ya'll later! Keep sharing the love! And remember I'm always watching you!" 
Visit my movie blog:http://aintitcoolcorey.blogspot.com

November 2003 / December 2003 / January 2004 / February 2004 / March 2004 / April 2004 / May 2004 / July 2004 / August 2004 /


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