Tuesday, February 24, 2004
  The Philadelphia Story WOOHOO!!! I'm back at the blog! Did ya miss me?

Hmmm...where to start? How bout my trip? Alright, I'm not going to give you my travel log, cuz it would be boring and I don't want to take that much time. I'll just ramble about my trip for a while and try to keep it entertaining. My trip from Fairfield to Philly and back again. Oh, I was born a rambling man.

Drove a lot. It took a couple days to get out there, so I spent a lot of time just reading, listening to stuff, looking out the van window, and watching movies(we've got a tv and vcr in our van). I really don't mind it, kinda like it actually.

We stopped in Hershey, PA on our way to Philly. Yup, Hershey is named after the guy who is named after the chocolate who is named after Ferris Yum-Yum. Er....the town of Hershey is where the Hershey chocolate factory is(if you didn't already know). We went inside HERSHEY WORLD. It's their visitor center/museum/factory simulator/gift shop thing.They had a bunch of stuff in there. It was fun. Not enough free candy. I mean, we did get a little bite sized thing, but come on, think of all the money they make, you think they'd be able to afford to give one of their 5 pound chocolate bars away to every visitor. Just a thought. Oh, and the place was swarming with Koreans. They came on a Dong Bu travel bus. DONG BU. Say it. DONG BU. DONG BU. BU DONG. BANG SHANG A LANG DONG BU BABY!!! DON'T STOP TIL YOU GET ENOUGH.

Philly. Big town. Big city. City of Brotherly Love. I didn't really know what that title meant before going to Philly. Was it some sort of fag thing? But I can now say that it is in fact THE CITY OF BROTHERLY LOVE. Emphasis on the "brother." Or "brotha" if you will. All I can say is, the black man is doing very well in Philadelphia. A black man even hit on my mom. It was crazy.

I saw the Liberty Bell. I saw Independence Hall. I feel so close to my country now that I've seen where it was born. Ya know, we've got a pretty groovy country. I don't really think about it like ever, but ya know, but for some reason I started thinking about how America is pretty cool. We can have guns. Unlike those dumb friggin canadians. And other reasons and stuff.

And the Liberty Bell made me laugh. Imagine it. They get a nice bell that is gonna be America's symbol of Liberty and it cracks. People go "No wait, we can fix it" they do. And it cracks again. "Maybe this says something about our ideas of liberty." "I think it says something more about overpriced shoddy English manufactured bells. That's one of the reasons why we broke free of England. So we could have the freedom to make our own bells that wouldn't crack."

On our way back home, we drove through some Amish country. We drove through the town of Intercourse. Yup, that's right. Intercourse. Tiffany reminded me yesterday that that was the same Amish community as was in FOR RICHER OR POORER. I had forgot. After we drove through Intercourse, we drove through Bird in Hand. Another town. Bird in Hand. After the wrong thoughts that Intercourse introduced, it caused me to have the theory that maybe the town had originally been called Cock in Hand, but then was changed the less offensive Bird in Hand. Those dirty little Amish. Oh, yeah, gotta love em.

We also stopped at ol' Valley Forge sometime. I don't have anything really to say about that.

Hmm...there's probably more, but I'm done rambling. Maybe if I think of another fun thing that I wish to tell ya'll, I'll put it up.

Yup, so I'm back now. When I got back on Saturday, I tried calling some people and didn't get any answer. Checked to see if anyone was online. Nope. Then I realized All-State. Oh, I'm such a fool.

A good deal of Sunday was spent with Davey in search of something fun to do without having to leave town. We picked up some people along the way(Tiffany, Sara, and Talon). We failed and for all the driving I did, I could have went to Ottumwa and back.

And I've got a small part in good ol' Footloose. 4 whole sentences!!!! I'm blown away by the massiveness of it. Oh, wait, no, I'm not. I get my emotions and thoughts and saracasm mixed up sometimes. And I'm intimidated by people who actually know about this singing stuff. I have no frickin' clue how the heck I'm supposed to be singing. I'm not in choir. I know when the black dots go up, I get higher. When the black dots gets lower, I go lower. That's as far as my musical knowledge goes. And for some reason, I'm way off. God, I'm gonna love rehearsals for the next few weeks(oh, you better believe that's saracasm). But once we start dancing, then I'll start having fun making a fool outta myself. Being the groovy foolio that I am. Oh, and I'm gonna have a blast saying my four magnificent sentences. And I get to hang out with Graber. Woohooo!!! I'm lost.

I bought me a bunch of Bogart flicks while I was in Philly, so I've been having a good ol' time going back through them. Bogie's the man!!

That's my life, baby!! Read it and weep.

Friday, February 13, 2004
  Never make the same mistake twice , unless it pays.

Well, this will probably be my last post up in here for a week. Cuz, I be leaving this town, baby. Taking a trip to Philly, PA with my fam-o-lee. If I get around a computer with internet connection, I may throw something up here, but I doubt I will. So enjoy me while I last, baby, I am not going to be here forever. That is a good lesson not for just right now, but for all times. Enjoy people while they're alive because it's just wrong to enjoy people when they're dead(and it's illegal). Trust me. I know.

So, yup, leaving town tomorrow. Valentine's Day. I was kinda wanting to have an EVIL DEAD marathon thing, but I can do that some other time, I guess. I've never been to Philly, at least that I remember, so I'm into checking it out, seeing what I think of the place. The reason I'm going is because my dad has to go to a convention there. They go to lots of conventions that I don't care about, but this one is always in cool places. Couple years ago, it was in Orlando, FL. Last year, it was in Vegas. Looking back on last year, probably my favorite time of last year was when I went to Vegas. I've been looking 'round the web to see if there was any cool stuff to check out(besides all that historical stuff). Maybe something movie related or just something related to any of my odd obsessions.

So if anyone's been there and knows of some cool stuff that I should check out, let me know.

Othello is going to perform again next Thursday, but I'm not gonna be apart of it. The part of Brabandito will be played by Gregory. Course, he won't be quite the bad-ass that I am. The smooth and clean bad-ass, I should say, but I wasn't going to stick around for my 5 minutes of Shakespearian fame. I'd already cleared that leaving wouldn't hinder any possible Footloose ambitions, so I'm gone, man.

Speaking of Footloose. I tried out the other day. Tuesday to be precise. I can't sing. Well, sing well. Or sing well for that song and all. But I think I got the dance down. Didn't do too bad for only having 3 or 4 days to learn it, while everyone else had like 6 or 8 days. Of course, Slechta probably doesn't know about it, still I did decent. There's hardly any guys, so I'll probably get something. Really like I said before, I don't really care how big or small, I'm just out to have fun(hmm...could that be taken sexually?).

With Valentine's Day being tomorrow, I kinda feel like maybe I should, I don't know, give my thoughts on love. As I just typed that I just burst out laughing. Romantic love makes me laugh mockingly. I'm just too cynical and cold hearted, I guess. I'm still laughing. God, I'm getting deep now. Um, yeah, why? Stupid people and their love. Well, romantic love. Love is a basic human need. Romantic love is an idiotic extravagance. And I love it for all of it's ooey gooey stupidity. Dude, people go rent, buy, just freakin' watch INTOLERABLE CRUELTY. It came out Tuesday and I bought it. I love it so much. Not the Coen brothers best(not by a long shot), but I still just love it and one of my favorites of the year. Boy, this paragraph just lost all coherance. That's what happens whenever you bring love into the picture. God, this is going nowhere. I think I'll just quit while I'm ahead.

Well, have fun whereever you are while I'm in Philadelphia.

Farewell to all. I love you.

And remember what Tom Cruise said in Eyes Wide Shut:
"Sex is the farthest thing from my mind."

Tuesday, February 10, 2004
  WALTER IS VERY STRONG oh yes he is.

Tonight, as I was driving home, I looked out of my right-side window of my car and in the right-side mirror and I realized that I don't do that very often. At least, not when I'm past town and don't need to look at that window. So I was kinda studying it. The thing that really struck me was the fact that it was dark. I couldn't see a thing of the right-side of my car. There could be a homicidal gorrilla hanging on the side of my car just waiting for the moment to jump in my window, maim me, and drive off on a murderous monkey killing spree. As you can imagine, I was pretty shaken by this thought, but still couldn't help thinking how bad-ass that would be. Once again I was reminded of a classic Clint Eastwood movie, which I often do when I think of something bad-ass. Anyway, EVERY WHICH WAY BUT LOOSE came to mind. The one with Clint and that monkey. Well, I couldn't help thinking of what if they had went on a murerous monkey killing spree together. A crazy monkey with a gun and Dirty Harry except not a cop, but still with the .44 Magnum(you know, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off). Anyway, then I pulled in my driveway and garage and didn't really think about it really again until just now and man, I really really want to see a guy in a fake(but bad-ass fake) gorrilla costume toting a nice handgun or shotgun. I'm not the only one who thinks this would be cool right? I'm not the only one who has these kind of thoughts, am I?

State was fun stuff and everyone did really well. Everyone got straight ones, except for Madwoman. But of course, that's old news, since today we found out that we have 6 events performing at All-State and 2 special recongnitions. Othello got Special rec, but His Girl Friday didn't. So I won't be performing at All-State, but lots of others will and I'm happy for them. But I'm still hoping that they just forgot to post His Girl Friday and that they will soon remedy their mistake. Still I don't really care too much cuz now hopefully I can go with my family to Philadelphia next week. Still excuse me while I cry. because of the knife in my leg

Back to State. Had some fun and crazy times. Basically just ran around and did random stuff. Sang with people, stayed smooth and clean, rode the elevator a bunch of times, just generally messed around with people. I would like to quote Quinn here(this is the first time I have quoted Quin in my blog, so Quinn this a big moment for you). Quinn said, "I love speech people, they're all fucked up." Or something very similiar to that. You get the idea and I've kinda got to agree with Quinn(and I kinda have to since he has a gun to my head, at least in his heart). Anywho, yeah, it was fun times. I feel like I should say more since there is more to say, but come on, man, that was like 2 days ago. My thoughts aren't really back there, they're more here, melting in my lap, you know how it is. I'm not the only one who has this problem with their thoughts melting in their laps, am I?

I'm trying out for FOOTLOOSE tomorrow...er...a quick glance at the clock tells me that I mean today(I guess I don't count a new day starting until I go to sleep and wake up). Yup, I'm gonna rock it, especially since I just learned the stuff on Thurs. and Fri. I really should have went to those after-school audition rehearsal things sooner. I don't really care too much about it, I just want a good part that I can have some fun with. Or basically, just anything I can have fun with. That includes a bouncy rubber ball. I wouldn't mind it if Slechta just gave me a bouncy ball to have fun with. Or a balloon. A red one. Preferably 99 red balloons.

Ah, well, I feel like sleeping.

And remember something someone said and smile at how stupid it was

cuz it wasn't Tom Cruise

Thursday, February 05, 2004
  What's so funny 'bout peace, love, and understanding? I just realized that through some crazy circumstance I have ended up re-publishing my entire blog so it now has the current template on every page. So if you saw it before the way it currently looks, then you were a lucky one. Future visitors to my blog will not be able to see the evolution of this place. So yup, the BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY's poster is at the top of every page.

and yeah, if you don't like BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY's, you're stupid. So, NYYAA!!!! I'll send a Blue Meanie after you.

You know, I just realized that Valentine's Day is coming up. I mean, yeah, you know its coming up, but I mean, I didn't actually sit back and take notice of it. Well, I just did. And that's that. Now, I just need to think of some good movies to watch on Valentine's Day. I think maybe having an EVIL DEAD marathon might be nice. "Give me some sugar, baby"

hmm...need to learn the Footloose audition dance sometime before auditions.

Well, just remember what Bruce Campbell said in Evil Dead 3:Army of Darkness:
"Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the gun."

Wednesday, February 04, 2004
  We'll always have Tokyo ...crazy shit happens when you go to Japan.

Well, my life feels a little better and more full now that I have found a new love in my life. My new love's name is LOST IN TRANSLATION. I have watched the movie 3 times in the last 24 hours and I kinda want to watch it again. This was the movie that I was looking forward to the most this year, but was never able to go see for many various reasons. I rented it yesterday and watched it at Jed's with Jed, Gregory, Davey, Quin, and Sammy(Jed's sister). Even with their dog barking and having to watch it in subtitles because of Jed's strange love of subtitles(been friends with him for years and have never figured it out, but have learned to just ignore it), I kinda fell in love with it. When I got home and after I did some stuff, I was like "I'm going to watch the scenes that I really liked again." I then realized that that was the whole movie, so I watched it again. And then this morning, no one is around for reasons that I'm not going to go into, so I've just kinda blew off school and watched it again. I am in love with this movie.

Was the movie what I thought it was going to be? I'm not quite sure. Probably not quite, but I've watched it enough now that I've accepted it for what it is and can't think of how it could be any better. See this movie!!! Now as a disclaimer, don't try to expect too much. Nothing really happens in this movie in any sort of epic way. It's basically two lonely American souls wandering around Tokyo in search of a little meaning, happiness, or maybe nothing really, they're just glad that they've got another soul to wander with. It's just a lovely little film. I want to hold it, kiss it, cuddle it, and watch it over and over again.

"Bigger, yeah...big...big."

I didn't want it to end. I almost wish they'd make a sequel. I mean, I kinda hope they don't, but I really loved the characters and want to spend more time with them.

And man, Japan is one crazy place. No wonder they love Cuba Gooding Jr. over there. Those Japs are crazy people who know how to have some crazy times. LOST IN TRANSLATION was just filled of great "WTF?!?" japan moments. I think Japan is just a "WTF?!?" country. And what the fuck is up with their eyes? All slanted and shit. If and when I go to Japan, I'm going to make sure I've got a shirt that says, "WHAT THE FUCK?" and just walk around and point. and laugh. and shout "JAPS 'L' YOU!!!! JAPS 'L' YOU!!!! LADIO!!!!" And then probably the Japanese locals will point at me and say to each other in Japanese "WTF is up with those Americans??" To which the other will just look at the other and shout "LADIO!!!! LADIO!!!! WE LOVE LADIO!!!!"

"La La La La La La La La"

And remember the reason that Bill Murray told us in LOST IN TRANSLATION as to why Japs switch their Rs and Ls:
"For yuks. You know, just to mix it up. They have to amuse themselves. 'Cause, we're not making 'em laugh."

Monday, February 02, 2004
  "IT'S GROUNDHOG DAY" You've seen that movie, right? If not, you are missing out. My sister and I can basically quote the whole thing. That's how I woke her up this morning. Went into her room and gave a hearty "IT'S GROUNDHOG DAY!!!" followed, of course, by a nice "Rise and shine, campers, and don't forget your booties, cuz its cold outside today. It's cold outside everyday. What is this Miami Beach?" And by that time my sister was up enough to chime in with a groggy "Not hardly." Boy, I love that movie!

Ah, well, nice weekend. Had some good times. Didn't vomit at all. Except maybe mentally. I think I might have done much mental vomiting this weekend, but I'm not sure. I'm afraid to look.

whatever that means

So, yeah, Friday night was a great time. Had a blast. I don't know who's idea it was to go bowling, but it was a good one. Been awhile since I've been bowling and being a big BIG LEBOWSKI fan, of course, I'm always up for it. We had to wait 'til 10:30 before we could bowl, so we drove around Ottumwa in search of food and crazy times involving life and death circumstances. The "we" I'm refering to is Jed, Davey, Xander, Jason W.(the W stands for cripple), and me. We ate at Pizza Hut. We did some other stuff too, but it was basically driving around. I guess, me and Xander ran over to Family Video while waiting for our pizza. I'm still kinda kicking myself that I didn't buy THE ROYAL TENENBAUMS dvd for like 8 bucks. Anyway, went back to the bowling alley and bowled a game. Had a great time bowling. I didn't break 100. I didn't even break 90. I broke 80 though. Anyway, good times. Got home around 12:30 and watched YELLOW SUBMARINE.

Oh, and yeah, Collin and Gregory were going to come bowling, but when they realized that there wasn't going to be any breasts around, they decided to hang out elsewhere and around breasts(i bet you girls really love those things, don't you?). So, yeah, they were stupid. Don't you just hang around Fairfield all the time anyway? This was a chance to go do something else. But I guess, they just wanted to sit around and have deep conversations.

Here's my impression of Gregory: "blah blah blah. I'm a complex individual who has deep conversations with females blah blah blah i don't go bowling and have fun times because i'm boring and like to sit around like i always do in Fairfield blah blah blah"

and Collin....well, I think he just wanted to have some kind of heterosexual experience after getting kissed by Hugh Grant.

Still, they're losers, we're winners and cooler, more fun people than them.

"It's the same things your whole life. Clean up your room, Stand up straight, Pick up your feet, Take it like a man, Be nice to your sister, Don't mix beer and wine, ever. Oh yeah, and don't drive on the railroad track."

Saturday. Did some stuff, but I don't feel like writing about it.

On Sunday, went over to Nolan Symmond's for kinduva Super-bowl party where no one watched the Super-Bowl. Fun times. Hung out with some people I don't hang out with much and I enjoyed it. I don't really do much with Nolan, he's always busy doing stuff, and he's a cool guy. Did some DDR. Man, it's been awhile since I'd done it, so it was cool to get back in the groove of it. I'm not all that good at it, since I don't get a chance to do it very often, but I have a fun time when I do, and that's all that matters. "Because as everyone knows, fun rules!". I stayed quite awhile. Got there around 4 and didn't leave til around 11:30. Good times.

Oh, Nolan let me borrow a tape he had of this early Batman serial from the 40s. This is early Batman. Before the SOCK, BWAP, KA-POWEY camp series of the 60s. I was a little giddy at the thought of getting to watch them. I watched a bit of it when I got home. Not much, just a few minutes, and I loved it. You know, its just my kind of thing. I really wish I could find like a lot of other cool serials like that. I've gotten a chance to see a few at different times, but I wish there was like a place I could download them or something. The whole SKY CAPTAIN movie thing is kinda reawakening my love of that kinduv stuff. So if anyones got any other stuff like that, let me know. I'd love to see it.

You know, I need to watch another Tom Cruise movie. I really can't think of a good quote off the top of my head. I thought it was a nice gimmick to get people to keep coming back for more of me.

and another thing that I'm excited about is LOST IN TRANSLATION comes out tomorrow!!! WOOHOO!!! and AMERICAN SPLENDOR!!! Two movies that I really wanted to see, but never got to.

I don't think I've ever said here, but I really love our ensemble acting thing we're doing. Other people seem to like it too. So that's cool. I love the movie and it's cool seeing people trying to see it. Another thing is that that sort of fast paced clever dialouge stuff is my favorite type of comedy. I wish we did plays more like that. I wish we had done a Neil Simon play that was more along those lines than the FOOLS play. FOOLS was a fine play, I guess, but I've prefered a lot of other Simon plays better.

Speaking of Neil Simon plays, I missed the free showing of the female version of the Odd-Couple last night because I was having fun at Nolan's and just never worked up enough energy to leave. I kinda wish I had, but then I was having fun, so its all good, brother, its all good.

Visit my movie blog:http://aintitcoolcorey.blogspot.com

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