Thursday, January 29, 2004
  Any time you got nothin' to do and lots of time to do it ...come up

You know what movie I'm really looking forward to Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.

Watch the trailer here

It looks like a cool fun throwback to the old movie serials of yesteryear. The kind of thing that'll be right up my alley. Anyway, just wanted everyone to know about this movie cuz its gonna rock!!


I found a place where you can read all of ACTION COMICS #1. The one that introduced Superman and all that. Fun stuff. I read it all. It was great. You should read it all.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004
  Man, that RANSOM soundtrack was such a letdown .....yadda yadda blah blah I WANT MY CHILD BACK!!!!!!! RANSOM

Hey! What's up, my peoples? I'm feeling good. I'm always feeling good(well, with exception of last Sunday). But a little better than I was feeling like a week ago or so. Don't know why. Just do. I feel funky and fresh and not at all sedated. I've got nothing really to say, so I'm just going to ramble.

I'm reading a book right now that I'm really digging. CAT'S CRADLE by Kurt Vonnegut. I hadn't really heard too much about it, just seemed like a book that I'd kinda be into, so I picked it up at the library and well, I'm really enjoying the heck out of it. Kinduva sci-fi end of the world as we know it satire thing. Anyway, maybe you've heard of it and read it, maybe you haven't. It's gurrate and you should read it if you haven't. Of course, I haven't finished it. Not even half-way yet. But so far I love it. That's that.

Oh, hey! the oscar nominations were announced the other day. I don't give too muchuva rip about the academy, but being the film lovin' guy that I am, I enjoy following 'em. This year there is just two categories that I'm really interested in seeing how they turn out, Best Actor and Best Picture. Best Pic, of course, because its the BIG one. Now, I'll be able to have a better say in this in 6 days, once I get to see the movie I've been waiting to see for far too long, LOST IN TRANSLATION. My biggest dissapointment of last year was that I didn't get to see that movie. oh, don't think I didn't try. No sir, I tried, believe me, brother, I tried. But the fates didn't look down on me with favor and my life was left a little less full than it could have been. Having said that, I think I want LOST IN TRANSLATION to win the BIG one. Yeah, yeah, RETURN OF THE KING is awesome, yeah, yeah, I'm not denying that. RETURN OF THE KING is one incredibly freakin' great awesome movie that I thoroughly enjoyed and will be watching many many more times in the future. But LOST IN TRANSLATION seems like a film that I'm gonna wanna take home and cuddle. Confess my love to it endlessly and beg it to have my children. Every year, there is usually one film that makes me feel that way. In 2000, it was ALMSOT FAMOUS. 2001 was THE ROYAL TENENBAUMS. Last year...er...2002, it was PUNCH-DRUNK LOVE. I guess it's kinda like in 1977 when STAR WARS lost to ANNIE HALL. Now, I'm a big big STAR WARS fan(who isn't?), but I'll admit if I were around back in the day and were voting, I've gotta admit, I woulda voted for the ANNIE HALL. It was just more of the "take home and cuddle with" movie that I think should win those awards. STAR WARS is more of the "Who the fuck cares what other people think?? This movie freakin' rules!!!" But, like I said, I haven't seen LOST IN TRANSLATION yet, so I can't totally say. I'll let you know in 6 days.

Oh, and a quick note before I ramble about Best Actor. KILL BILL vol. 1 didn't get a single nom!! Come on!!! Now, I wasn't expecting Best Pic, of course, but still, it deserved a nom for sound or editing or something. GIVE IT SOMETHING!!!!!! It ruled! But, going back to my previous paragraph, KILL BILL is one of those "who the fuck cares what others think? the movie totally ruled!!." So yeah, who the fuck cares? The movie rules!!!!!

Same with INTOLERABLE CRUELTY. But then I wasn't expecting it to even get nominated for anything and it didn't so, who cares? The movie rules!!!

Okay, so Best Actor. Bill Murray has to win. True, haven't seen LOST IN TRANSLATION yet, but BILL MURRAY is a god. Not THE GOD, but A god. I mean, he totally deserved one for RUSHMORE. Heck, he deserved one for freakin' GHOSTBUSTERS. Come on!!!! This man is a god. I would have to say my religion is moreuva Christian Pantheist. I believe in God, Jesus, Holy Spirit trinity and all that first an foremost. Ya know they're at the top. But I also give deserving adoration on a daily basis to Bill Murray. As well as the Coen brothers. They are the ones that rock my world and just mention their names in my prescence and I fill up with joy.

In God, Bill Murray, and the Coen brothers I trust.

Bill "HE'S A GOD" Murray did win Golden Globe. Which made me happy. But he's gotta win an Oscar. I was just looking over at the ol' Imdb and can it be?? Bill Murray has never even been nominated before?!?!? I thought he got a nom for supporting actor for TOOTSIE, but I guess not. Just more reason to give this god an oscar. Plus he'll have a great acceptance speech. Oh, yeah, and Billy Crystal is hosting this year. I just have to ask, WHY? I mean, did you not realize how absolutely great Steve Martin was last year? And how Billy Crystal has never ever come close to being that great? Steve Martin is the best host ever!!! Besides, you hardly ever get any good Steve Martin stand-up anymore. Or anything that harkened back to the glory days of that wild and crazy guy. Yeah yeah, I admit I'm a fanboy, but come on, anyone would tell you Steve Martin is a bajizillion times better than Billy Crystal.

Wow, sure talked a lot about that.

Night of Theatre was last night. Got to watch the things I missed at District. You know, for some reason at the begining of Speech Team, I didn't think this year's team was going to be very good, but ya know, it really tain't too bad, McGee. I think some of the bigger things were better last year, Choral Reading, One-act(and NO! its not just because I was the lead), and uh, maybe Reader's Theatre, but most of the other stuff is really not too shabby. I don't really feel like going much more than that, but yeah, we got a better team than I think I originally thought we did.

ah well, that's enough for now. I could say more, but I need to go do some stuff.

more proof as to why Ronald Reagan was the best president ever

Monday, January 26, 2004
  You didn't really think it was going to be that easy did you? ...ya know for a second there, yeah, I kinda did.

hmm...quite a weekend...quite a weekend. I don't always feel compelled to tell you about my weekend, but I'm in the mood to now, so I guess I will.

Let's see, Friday night were crazy times baby. Jed was really wanting to see Battle Royale, so he got Davey to download it. Eventually we wound up at Jed's to watch it. The "we" I'm refering to includes Jed, Davey, Gregory, Collin, and me. The movie ruled. I think we watched it in a perfect enviroment for it also. I felt so cool afterwards. Good times. Plus we had some fun times that night involving a bad-ass guy throwing a cigarette into my car and Davey making chocolate milk. Anyway, got home fairly early so I get some sleep for the District Speech Contest thing in Danville.

So, had to get up at like 5:30 in the a.m. Picked up Jed and went into the school, got on the bus, and drove up. The drive up was fine. I was awake enough by then. I sat next to Troutt, but he didn't talk much. He seemed pretty sedated. Gregory and me still seemed kinda high off of Battle Royale from the night before. Um....yeah, so we got to Danville. I basically remembered where everything in the school was from previous speech team experience, so no problem there. Both of my events(ensemble acting and one-act play) both got 1s, so I'll be going to State. I'm probably more glad about the ensemble than the one-act since I never felt deep connection to the one-act. I think there were only three events that didn't get 1s. It was a pretty good day. I don't get nervous or anything, so I just went did my thing and watched others do their thing. Didn't pick up any chicks. Jed picked up a chick, but I guess she wasn't the type of gal Jed wanted hanging around him. I saw an Indiana Jones mime. That was fun. Missed quite a few things because of having to get around for one-act.

We got back sometime around 5:30 or 6. The ride back seemed to take longer. We unloaded stuff from the vans. People eventually wound up at Tiffany's. I was there for a little while. It was kinda off and on fun. Sam Garles and others really seemed to be enjoying it. So, yeah, I just went home, warmed up some pizza and watched The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.

I thought the weekend was going pretty good. And then I woke up around 6:30 on Sunday morning and felt a little uneasy in the stomach. So I threw up all the pizza I had ate the night before and spent the rest of the day feeling like crap. I layed low and watched movies most of the day, which was great times except for the whole feeling like crap part. By that night, I was feeling a good deal better and this morning, I felt almost completely better. I still haven't been eating much, but I feel fine. So I don't know what was up with that.

So yup, that was my weekend.

Friday, January 23, 2004
  Sure were some good cookies I would just like to say


that's all

need sleep

Thursday, January 22, 2004
  Running down the avenue... So what's up with this SOCIAL LIFE thing???

Don't you realize there are movies you could be watching??

Ah, well, I'm going to go watch movies and go think of a good Tom Cruise quote.

But first I'm going to watch the ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND trailer one more time(well, until I watch it again). 
Monday, January 19, 2004
  We have landed in a new place

That's right. After over a month of waiting, I have finally posted another Cuba picture.

And there was much rejoicing!!!!


oh yeah, and i changed the look of the ol' blog. I was kinda tired of it. A lot of people seemed to have the same template and I wasn't smart enough to figure out how to change the colors. So anyway, this is how it looks now. Do you like?

"SHUT UP!!! I liked it better the other way!! What do you know you retarded black man?!?!?!"

Cuba loves it, but the crazy white haired old guy who looks like Anthony Hopkins doesn't.

You know, life is good. Especially when you spend most of your weekend watching movies. That always makes me happy. Almost as happy as Radio.

Hey, you know what comes out in 8 days????

OH YEAH!!! RADIO!!! on DVD!!!


Anyone up for a Radio party??

i don't know if i am

We'll finally get to see Cuba in all his retarded black man in shopping cart glory. I can't wait!

And ONCE UPON A TIME IN MEXICO and OPEN RANGE are coming out tomorrow. I was wanting to see both of them. DESPERADO was great and so I'm looking forward to OUATIM. I'm a big westerns fan, but not always a big Costner fan, so I'm really wanting to see what I think of OPEN RANGE. I've heard good stuff, but it could go either way.

Oh, and MARCI X is coming out tomorrow too. Man, that looks like the best rap based comedy since MALIBU'S MOST WANTED.

Guess thats about all I have to say for now

so just remember what Tom Cruise said in Minority Report:
"Everybody runs."

Why aren't you running? 
Friday, January 16, 2004
  I've never done anything to a man that I wouldn't do to a woman heh, how's it going? It is 3:41 in the a.m. as i'm writing this. I'm really tired and need to sleep, but for some reason i'm drawn to my blog. It is a pretty nice blog. I've got to admit that. Cuz I'm a pretty nice guy, right? And I'm a pretty sexy guy, right?? And I'm totally a bad-ass, right?

I wish I was just totally freakin' Dirty Harry type cool. I don't know why the hell I mention Dirty Harry so much, but Clint Eastwood was da man back in the day.

Ya know, I think I was going somewhere with that, but I just lost interest. I would go back and erase it, but I'm not in the mood to erase. I'm in the mood to write without stopping. And then pushing the POST & PUBLISH button and then going to sleep.

"I'm cured alright."

My parents and siblings went to a convention thing for my dad's business. My dad had to display a booth and all that jazz. But I didn't go. I'm still in Fairfield. I'm writing this from my aunt and uncle and cousin's house. I went to get something to eat with my uncle at Subway and he payed for it. I was thinking about getting something earlier, but then I thought, "hey, i'll see what Mark's doing" and yeah, free food. After the food, I just went back to their house and decided I'd just stay the night.

I watched two very enjoyable movies tonight. MURDER BY DEATH and THE CHEAP DETECTIVE. Both were mystery take-offs and had Peter Falk in them and they were both written by Neil Simon. MURDER BY DEATH was great. Man, they just twisted everything over and over again. It was hilarious and crazy and...ah, I loved it. THE CHEAP DETECTIVE wasn't as good. It was more of a noir take-off that borrowed/parodied very heavily from CASABLANCA and THE MALTESE FALCON. It got kinda fun and crazy too. Both just kinda ignored logic and just went for it and it was fun. Just thought you'd like to know.

Sometimes i feel like I should write more or deeper or something and then I'm glad I don't. You know, like confessing stuff like how I constantly burn my penis with red-hot cigar butts, but then I'm glad I don't actual put stuff like that on the internet for everyone to just come and see and...wait...did i just?....oh....damn...uh....yeah, I build little racecars out of my poop, you got a problem with that. I bet you think I'm pretty sick, don't you? You ought to see what one of these guns would do to a person's face. Enjoy a bit of ultra-violence and a bit of in-and-out until they take us and make us viddy films that will make us sick of it all. "I'm cured alright."

I need sleep. Did you notice? Was it the clockwork orange references? Yeah, I only get like that when I'm tired. Not really.

god, i need a fight club

of funk

and a bit of "in-and-out"

so i guess i just need an ordinary club and to start a fight there

Man, I wish I was Dirty Harry.

I think I'll start a prostitution business while my parents are away. Of course, they'll be back tomorrow, but they'll be leaving again next week for longer.

Maybe I should just pick up some chicks. I was told by someone that they had heard from someone that there was some chicks that were "into" me. I should find them and then have sex with them. Or I could just sit around and watch/viddy a horrendous amount of movies. I'll probably end up going with the second option. Because I'm a loser. Or am I? I ROCK!!!! and don't you forget it.

Damnit! I should stop, but I don't want to. It's like there is stuff that I need to get out and I won't stop until it gets out.

I don't have anything I need to get out! What am I deep and complex? Hell, no!!! I'm pretty shallow and cool, right?

dude, I keep saying "right?" like I don't have self confidence and have a low self image. But I do. I'm a cool person. Actualy I'm just a person who likes to watch movies and take nothing seriously and eat food(especially when it's free). That's my life, I guess. I don't really feel connected with anyone. And I don't really want to feel connected to anyone. God, that's self-absorbed, but then being self-absorbed is what these blogs about so, hey!! But being self-absorbed isn't what life is about. At least that's what they tell me in the movies. I feel like I'm just living and waiting for my ABOUT A BOY experience, when I'll suddenly realize that life is so much better connected to people. I mean, I think the book(and film for that matter) are great, but still, I think he's got a better life at the begining. Especially in the movie version, when Hugh Grant is going around talking about being an island with all your stuff and saying "i like to think i'm pretty cool". He is. Come on, he spends his holidays sitting around watching movies and at the end he's spending it with kids and people and otherwise he'd be watching movies and getting stoned. I guess, right now, I'm just working towards that island status. Getting along fine without being connected to anyone at all. I mean, you can replace friends with new people, but how the hell do you replace a CASABLANCA or ROYAL TENENBAUMS?

hmm...maybe there was something in there that I was needing to get out

anyway, i feel like i can stop and sleep now

but still

i wish i was freakin' Dirty Harry!!!! 
Tuesday, January 13, 2004
  That makes two of us Hey, this is the first day of my return of not going to school. There is probably lots of you at school right at this moment, but not me. Nope I'm just sitting around my house listening to random songs and posting stuff on this ol' blog of mine. This is fun. I might reconsider taking classes the semester after this.

Excuse me while I go do the homeschool dance.

This was quite a weekend. It started off by seeing Big Fish Friday night. It is a GREAT movie. Go see it!! You've got to be a pretty cold hearted bastard to not like it at least a little bit. Definately one of my favorites of last year and the first great film I've seen this year. I really enjoyed it. It took me a bit to get into it, but once I got into it, I loved it. It's overly sentimental at times and it doesn't apologize about it. That's part of its charm.

So go grab your shoes and run to see it!!

After the movie, some people went to a party that Lance was having. Gregory, Collin, and I went to Gregory's and wrote a movie. You decide who the winners and losers are.

I guess, now that I'm thinking about it, the weekend didn't begin with the BIG FISH. It started with getting costumes for the movie. And then going to Revalations and browsing the mystery section and being inspired and creating the basic plot for the movie.

There was a 72 hour(extended to 75 hour) make a movie contest thing to see who could make the best movie in 72 hours. So Gregory and Collin decided to go for it. I started helping Gregory pick out costumes and eventually I just kept getting more and more involved until hey, it's kind of my movie too.

Anyway, where was I? Yeah, so Collin, Gregory, and me stayed up to 6 a.m. writing THE SLEEPING EYE. A '40s styled noir. If you don't know what I'm talking about, go watch DOUBLE INDEMNITY and THE MALTESE FALCON, and you'll have an idea because those are the main movies that were watched in preparation for the movie.

This movie reawakened my love of noir and I'm planning on watching a lot more of it more often. I forgot how great DOUBLE INDEMNITY is. I should start a nice Film noir collection, since I surprisingly don't have any noir in my movie collection.

I wasn't able to help do anything Saturday because my dad had stuff he needed me to do and then that night, mom had already planned for us all to take dad out for his belated birthday dinner. Then Sunday, after lunch I went and spent the rest of the day working on the movie. It was pretty crazy.

You'll learn more once we put the dvd together with all those commentary tracks and making of feature. And if the dvd never gets made, then I guess you'll never know the truth. Just sit and imagine what we did.

The actors were great. Just had to say that. Andrew, you are one sexy man.

Well, I'm going to go spend my not at school time doing something else.

So just ask yourself what Tom Cruise asked Bob in The Last Samurai:
"Are you a ladies man?" 
Thursday, January 08, 2004
  Well, I'm back Wow! I really haven't updated for quite a while. I used to update this everyday with lots of fun positivity and Cuba. Now, I hardly post anything. I can't believe how low I've sunk. Not because of not updating, but because of...um...never mind.

So let's see, I've gone through Christmas and New Year's since my last post. Oh, I've also gone through my semester tests and now I've got no classes, baby!! Man, I feel funky!!! I think its the music. Anyway, I don't really want to recap my Christmas or New Year's for you and you probably don't want me to either, so I'll just leave it at that I enjoyed both and spent most of them just sitting around watching movies, which is my kind of fun.

Speaking of movies, I'm going to see BIG FISH tomorrow. I'm excited about that.

Yeah, I also saw RETURN OF THE KING since my last post. It was great, but that's what I was expecting, so hey! I don't think its the best film of the year, though. A lot of people do. I do kinda want to see it win the Oscar for Best Picture, just so one of those films can get it, but I'd really love to see LOST IN TRANSLATION to win. Or INTOLERABLE CRUELTY for that matter, but I doubt that it will happen.

I feel like I need to post something funny or a picture of something crazy, but I don't feel like it. I don't feel like anything. I think I'm sedated.  
Visit my movie blog:http://aintitcoolcorey.blogspot.com

November 2003 / December 2003 / January 2004 / February 2004 / March 2004 / April 2004 / May 2004 / July 2004 / August 2004 /


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