Monday, December 22, 2003
  Don't fuck with the Jesus BOO YA!!!!!!

I just got all of my crots and reflection and bibliography for my composition multi-genre research paper done. Don't have my visual aid, but i'll get it. I would have my movie done by now, but its not my fault. It's Collin Miller's fault. But I'll get it done today, so its all good, man.

Oh, yeah, and I'm at home doing nothing important or educational, just listening to random songs and most of you are at school.


I'm looking forward to next semester because then I won't have any classes to go to. I'll have like a couple hours of school a day and that will be it. I can do basically whatever I want the rest of the day. Which includes sleeping for most of the morning. Did I mention BOOYAH!!!!!!

You may say I suck, but really, I rock.

Well, the statement that I can do whatever I want is untrue since I do have other commitments(like work and speech-team stuff), but still, it's basically true.

"California Dreamin' on such a winter's day"

I was listening to that song, but it just got over, now its some rap song, I didn't even know I had on my computer. Maybe I'll delete it.

You know, I'm I a rather shallow individual and I love it!!

I haven't seen Return of the King, yet. I kind of need to see it.

Remember what Tom Cruise pointed out in Risky Business:
"Boffing and fucking are the same thing." 
Thursday, December 18, 2003
  Bob had bitch tits I just want to say "Thank You" to all those who helped out with my Indiana Jones' musical number for my comp movie. You guys rock!!

Uma Thurman in KILL BILL rocked too.

And the Coen brothers movies rock


and stuff like

And of course


But not

But absolutely

Well, I'm off to see the wizard.

And remember what Tom Cruise said in A Few Good Men:

Be Tom Cruise.

Want the truth.

Monday, December 15, 2003
  Happiness is a warm gun....BANG BANG SHOOT SHOOT Someone was trying to tell me that that song was about heroin today. They're wrong. Its about guns. The Beatles are singing about how happy guns make them. A warm gun to be exact. A gun thats just been shot. OH YEAH!!!! The Beatles know where its at.

Dirty Harry knows where its at too. He uses guns. Guns are cool. Dirty Harry is cool. We need more heros like Dirty Harry nowadays. This world would be a lot better if we had a bad ass cop running some things. Saying memorable quotes that would inspire this nation. I don't like the U.N. because they don't like guns. I like Dirty Harry, cuz he likes guns.

I love guns. And black people. And black people using guns. And using guns on black people. You know doing away with the inferior races.

"Hey, that's not funny man. I was offended by that comment. I'm black."

Notice that there are two Cubas in that picture. He's standing in front of a picture of himself. Its almost too much to handle.

These Japanese are having a hard time handling it

Oh, and as a totally unrelated side note. Native Americans(ya know, those dirty Injuns) are ugly.

I would never have sex with anyone in that picture. Or even go near them. Or ever look at them again. Damn, are they not some of the ugliest people(if you can even call them people) you have ever seen?

Its no fun to be socially sensitive or politically correct. It is fun to talk about how cool guns are, make fun of black people, Japanese people, and those ugly Injuns. People's life would be more fun if they learned to laugh at things more.

Thats it for today. I'm gonna watch Dirty Harry later. GUNS ROCK!!!! I LOVE GUNS!!!!

Oh yeah, I had another great idea for a movie type thing(well, Gregory kinda inspired it), but picture a Mad Max character with a samurai sword. You know like a Samurai Road Warrior.

Okay, now picture him with a samurai sword in the other hand. He'd be totally the baddest dude ever.

Man, I love guns. Anyone with me? Aren't guns just the coolest?

Oh well, gotta watch Dirty Harry. Cuz I feel lucky punk.

And remember what Tom Cruise in The Last Samurai:
"The red man is a savage creature." 
Sunday, December 14, 2003
  I'LL SHOW YOU THE LIFE OF THE MIND!!!!!! I changed the title of my blog. Don't really know why. Just felt like it. And liked the way the new title sounded. Mainly because its a reference to a Coen brothers film. If you don't get it, go watch Barton Fink. Its great. And a little trippy. Kinda like BEING JOHN MALKOVICH meets ADAPTATION, but filtered through the Coen brothers twisted minds.

There is an old Samurai saying that they used to say when they were going out to meet a seemingly impossible enemy with just their swords, horses, and bows and arrows. And the saying went something like this:

"We need fuckin' shotguns!"

(thats actually a PULP FICTION quote, but i think its one the samurai would agree with)

Hey, I saw THE LAST SAMURAI on Friday. It was a great flick. Quinn and Davey seem to think its one of the best films they've ever seen. Well, its not that good(mayb Quinn and Davey just haven't seen enough great films). But still it was a really good film. I'm not really an EPICS kinda guy. I mean, I like em, but you know, I don't list BRAVEHEART as one of my all-time favorites. EPICS just never really got me going as they say and they almost make you feel a film is better than it is just because its EPIC and big and the bigger the better and all that crap. Some epics have a tendency to get boring, but we accept it, because its an EPIC. I've always enjoyed the smaller scaled more personal films myself(and those can get boring and be bad too, but they are just more to my taste). I still enjoy a lot of EPIC films, theres just a lot of films I like better.

Anyway, I was just rambling. You can disregard that. THE LAST SAMURAI: good film. Go see it. "You 'SHOGUN' love it."

(before you think i'm incredibly clever for that. i stole it from some critics review. don't remember who, but he rocked)

Okay, back to the shotguns. I could never be a Samurai. Why? Because they didn't have shotguns. Or any guns. They were rushing at their enemy who was fully equipped with all the latest ammunition and they've just got their swords and bows and flaming arrows. Now some may call that honor and nobility. I call it stupidity. Maybe its just that I'm more of a Han Solo type of guy. "Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side" thats my motto. Thus sayeth the christian, I guess. But at least my religion allows fuckin' shotguns, you know. Maybe I'm just too much of a coward and don't take anything seriously and have no social sensitivity at all, but still....come on, give these guys some fuckin' shotguns.

Wouldn't that be cool? To see a Samurai with a shotgun. Thats what I want to see. You know that rebellious Samurai who said "Screw that 'NO SHOTGUN' shit! I'm gonna bust me some cap up in here." And then wields his awesome piece of japanese steel and shotgun simultaneously. He'd be like Dirty Harry, but better. Depending on who played him. If Clint Eastwood played that character back in the day, that would have rocked, but he's too old to do that now.

Man, I want to go watch some old-school Clint Eastwood flicks.

Another thing the movie needed was a bad-ass black man. I love black people. Especially when they are bad-ass and know kung-fu. Like that one black dude in ENTER THE DRAGON. Wasn't he the coolest? It was like Samurai Shaft. Thats what I want to see SAMUEL L. JACKSON as SAMURAI SHAFT. Is anyone with me here? And have George Clooney as his comic relief sidekick. Just a thought.

I went bowling last night and I had a thought of something I want to do. I want to go to the bowling alley with someone dressed with as The Dude and Walter and then act like them. It would be fun. THE BIG LEBOWSKI rocks!!

Anyway, I'm off to watch a Cary Grant Christmas film. Cary Grant was the coolest. I wish I was him.

And remember of what Tom Cruise said in Japanese inThe Last Samurai:
"I am not Japanese."

Tuesday, December 09, 2003
  Of all the Charlie Browns in the world, you're the Charlie Brown-iest
Hey, it's time to party again. With more RADIO!!! and more fun than you ever thought possible with a man named Cuba

Well, if anyone could save the day, it'd have to be RADIO!!!!!

I love this picture. Just DeNiro and Cuba having a few laughs together. Although I think De Niro is mocking him. But there's nothing Cuba can do about it. I mean, it's De Niro.

Yeah, my lifes going pretty good. I mean, don't know if it's as good as the life described in that book, but still having a pretty good time. Had a fun time last Saturday night. If ya know what I mean? If you don't, go here. Rest of the weekend was fine. Wanted to see THE LAST SAMURAI, but I guess, others and me are going Friday. I'm trying to get my musical number for my Harrison Ford/Indiana Jones' multi-genre research paper thing filmed, but can never get people gathered up to do it. Ah, well, been getting some other good footage.

Oh, and I found out the name of that one girl in AMELIE. It's Audrey Tautou. And she's cute.

If you haven't seen this delightful french film, I highly reccomend it. It's adorably great and great and...uh...yeah...I love it.

Hey, look, it's RADIO!!!!!

No, wait, RADIO!!!! is the one that's black.

Okay, here he is

You know I haven't had a good sexy photo of Cuba up so just for all you Cuba Gooding Jr. lovin' ladies and gentleman, I present a picture of RADIO!!!! without a shirt

Oh, yeah baby!!! I know that's what you've all been waiting for all week. A good ol' DAMN SEXY picture of DAMN SEXY CUBA.

Oh, wouldn't we all like to be Beyonce Knowles in this picture. Being that close to that man. OH BABY!!!!

Oh well, I'm done for today.

RADIO!!!!! RADIO!!!!! RADIO!!!!!!!!

Remember what Tom Cruise said in RAIN MAN:
"K-Mart sucks!" 
Thursday, December 04, 2003
  i'm gonna nail yo' ass Hey, its been awhile since I've posted happy RADIO!!!-lovin' Japanese people. So here we go

"We love RADIO!!!! 2 much. We love him 2 much. RADIO!!! RADIO!!!! 2 much love for RADIO!!!"

"Why thank you ladies."

You know, I was thinking how creepy my last post was and decided I would post a few pictures of females that I do really like. No saracasm involved. I really do love these ladies.

Audrey Hepburn

No, and its not just the hat. Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's....wow, I love that woman.

Marilyn Monroe

Come on, Monroe is just a given. Sexiest woman ever. Some Like It Hot is my Monroe movie of choice.

That one girl from that movie AMELIE

I don't remember this girl's name, but she was in AMELIE and I loved her in that movie. She was so cute. I want to see her in more movies...because she was so cute.

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Isn't this a beautiful women? A relationship between us wouldn't be too creepy would it? I mean, not as creepy as a relationship between me and Hilary Duff, right?

Oh, I love her. And Gregory, I'm serious, I am willing to kill you to get to her.

George Clooney

Now, don't get any ideas. I'm completely straight, but come on...its George Clooney. I mean, he makes me we wish I was 20 years older....and a woman.

There are others( Scarlett Johansson comes immediately to mind), but I'm done looking for pictures.

I hope my blog is a little less creepy(or maybe its a little more).

And remember what Tom Cruise said in Magnolia
"Oh, you're gonna give me that cherry pie sweet mama baby!" 
Tuesday, December 02, 2003
  Hilary Duff is a babe Today Davey said my blog was like a big invigorating tree.

Its sexy picture day here at the blog. So sit back and relax and enjoy the sexy.

Wow!! Hilary Duff is just the epitome of sexy. Look at all that eye liner. It looks like she has a black eye. Which is what we(meaning everyone in the entire universe) find sexy.

Now is that not the most sexy smile you've ever seen in your life? I know it is for me. Maybe its the way she's looking at me. Or maybe its that incredibly sexy hat. Whoah, what can I say? She has breasts. Also what is that thing down in the right corner?

"Its so fun to put on make-up! I like it when you look at me."

With that picture, you not only get Hilary Duff, but also the back of some random sexy girl.

Frankie Muniz and Hilary Duff racing to get home by curfew. Oh, yeah!! She is such a bad-ass motorcycle chick.

Hey, do you know who's birthday it is today?

That's right. Britney Spears.

Look, even Britney can't keep her hands off herself.

That's right folks, I think we just saw Britney Spear's nipple.

And baby "One More Time"

Oh, now isn't that lovely?

Of course, no batch of sexy pictures would be complete without some sexy twin photos.

Twice the sexy. Oh, yeah, baby, yeah!!

Back to more Hilary Duff

Oh, we're rockin' now!!!

I don't know that other girl is, but I wish I was that close to Hilary Duff on a couch...and having sex with her.

I don't know if there is any significance to that dog, but I wish I was that dog...and was having sex with Hilary Duff. Woof, baby, woof!!

I wish I was that shopping cart and was having sex with...hey...wait a minute...that's a picture of RADIO!!!!

My God, I couldn't tell the difference.

Okay, I get it now. Hilary Duff is the one that's not black.

Now, we'll combine today's comparison with an earlier comparison with Jerry Lewis.

Wow, isn't that amazing.

Now, picture all of them in bed with me...and you. How does picturing that make you feel? Just as I thought. Really sexy.

Well, that's all the sexy I can handle in one day. I need to go wash my hands, if you know what I mean. I suggest you do the same.

And remember what Tom Cruise said in Vanilla Sky:
"What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions?....Money." 
Visit my movie blog:http://aintitcoolcorey.blogspot.com

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