Sunday, November 30, 2003
  VIETNAM: If you weren't there, Shut your mouth I went into an army surplus store yesterday and saw a patch that said that. So I've decided that that is my new motto in life.

Hey, I'm hanging out at my aunt and uncle's house down in Columbia, MO, where I have confirmed that marijuana is not legal. Anyway, I'm down here eating lots of food, watching lots of movies, getting lots of sleep, and currently screwing around on my aunt's computer at 1 in the morning. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

My uncle is a big movie guy, so he's got a nice setup with lots of movies. Of course, his taste and my taste are rather different(I don't own any Vin Diesel movies and try to avoid them if possible, he owns them all), but, I don't know, I think its kinda fun hanging out with someone with different tastes. I mean, his taste isn't horrible, just different.

So, I've been watching a bunch of movies. Caught up on my super hero and action films, I guess. THE ITALIAN JOB is great. Loved that one. Thats the way to do an action film if you ask me. I also thought DAREDEVIL was fantastic and have no idea why people didn't like that movie. Honestly, I thought it was one of the best of the recent batch of super hero films. I'd rank it right up there with SPIDER-MAN. I'd say it was even better, but not nearly as fun as Spidey was(also I'd take Kirsten Dunst over Jennifer Garner anyday). Oh, there's a lot more, but thats all I feel like writing about for now.

As an interesting side note, my aunt and uncle went to see RADIO, and they thought it was great. I'm serious, my aunt was telling me how great she thought Cuba Gooding Jr. was. I think they even have the soundtrack. I was wanting to ask them about the shopping cart scene, but someone came and changed the subject before I could get more information, but I might try again tomorrow...er...today.

Can you believe this? I'm doing a post without pictures or crazy comments. This is almost like a....like a....gasp...normal blog.

Anywho, I'm going to stop typing now. Just thought I'd throw something on here while I was online. I'm sorry if I let anyone down by not having any of my usual schtick. But don't you have to admit that even without the pictures, my blog still rocks. Because its me. Right? I'm cool, right? Oh, who cares, I'm having fun. I'm gonna go watch tv or a movie or something and then sleep for a really long time.

Gee, I love living. I'm just having fun. I'm happy, man. I don't really have anything to complain about.

Hey, I just realized that even without the pictures this is not like a normal blog. I just said I had nothing to complain about(I'm sure that's not true and I could find something to complain about). Aren't blogs mostly there just so you can complain? That was always the impression I got. This was free of angst and/or depression. I'm...gasp...enjoying life.

Hope you are too. It's fun.

And remember what Tom Cruise said in THE FIRM:
"It's not sexy, but its got teeth." 
Thursday, November 27, 2003
"Thanksgiving is fun."

Well, my Thanksgiving was good. Ate some good food. The time spent with family never got too boring and sometimes it was dang fun. Plus spent a lot of time doing nothing much. Just wasting time. Fun stuff. Good times. I'm happy. Like Radio in his shopping cart with his stick.

I also found a great game.

Super Mario Rampage

Its great. Mario has a shotgun and runs along and shoots different characters. Fun fun stuff. I guess, Andrew shot 200. He's da man. I never even got to 100, but I got close. The game is a great. Its like a fight club, but better.

This is a funny picture of Eddie Murphey.

Now, I admit it's not Cuba Gooding, but at least he's black

Don't forget to celebrate Black Friday. I'm going to be traveling most of tomorrow, so I might not get to put up a special post to celebrate black people tomorrow. But remember to celebrate by injuring a white person.

Anyway, that's all I feel like writing today.

Have a swell weekend everyone!

And remember what Tom Cruise said in Rain Man:

Wednesday, November 26, 2003
  Be thankful you're not a eurofag
"OH GOD!!!! IT'S A EUROFAG!!!!!!"

My new favorite word is eurofag. Here's what it means

Word used by Americans to describe usually British singers or bands of the early 80's.

But really who cares, it just sounds so cool. I've found a wonderful site that has all sorts of great '80s slang terms. You can find it here. I'm going to try to use them as often as I can. You try to too.

hoser, joanie, boinking, clydesdale, penis-breath, fag tag. Oh, boy there's a lot of good ones.

Cuba Gooding Jr., the king of funk. Is there no end to his funk? I submit that there is not!!

Hey, whaddaya know? Tomorrow's Thanksgiving. I am a big fan of Thanksgiving and really get annoyed when it kinda gets pushed aside to make way for Christmas stuff. Now, I'm of course, a big fan of Christmas and as soon as Thanksgiving week is over you have my permission to start in all you want, but give me my Thanksgiving.

Have you ever seen this movie?

I love this movie. Best Thanksgiving movie ever! Okay, so there aren't many, but still this is a classic. Great film. Hillarious stuff. Definately check it out this Thanksgiving if you haven't. And if you have, then check it out again. I know I will. So if you want to be like me(and I know there's several of you out there), watch this movie during your Thanksgiving break.

Okay, enough of that, more of this

I really have no idea what's up with this picture, but it makes me laugh. RADIO!!!!

Did you know Cuba won an Oscar?

I did. He won it for "Jerry Maguire." And I bet he's gonna win another one this year for "RADIO"!!!!!!

I guess, my blog makes people happy. Bryan and Jenny both today told me how much I made their day. Well, that's what I'm here for. Making people happy. Behold "The Power of Positive Blogging."

Hey look it's Scott Baio in his underwear

For some reason the picture takes a while to load, but oh baby is it worth it. Ya know what I mean?

Cuba knows.

"I look so cool. I'm like totally pimp. Especially with the dog. Woof, baby, woof!"

Doesn't he just ooze with cool? Man, I want those flowers and that earing.

I don't know if I'll update much over the next few days. I'm leaving Friday to go down to Columbia, Missouri. Kent(Jed's brother, if you didn't know) informed me today that marijuana is legal in Columbia. Actually, it might be the country of Columbia, but I don't care, I'm lighting up as soon as we get into Columbia.

(just so you know i'm not really going to do that. i was just being humorous.)

Tomorrow, I'm going to have Thanksgiving at another Aunt's and hang with other aunts, uncles, and cousins. You know how it is.

Anyway, that's going to be some of how I'm gonna spend my holiday time, plus watch "Planes Trains and Automobiles" of course.

Have fun, eat food, don't be a eurofag.

And remember what Tom Cruise said in Risky Business:
"Sometimes you just gotta say 'What the fuck.'"

Smile Cuba smile
Tuesday, November 25, 2003
  Don't fight the feeling Now, just how funky is Cuba Gooding Jr. He's this funky

wow!! Now, that my friend is what we call funk. Cuba Gooding Jr. is the greatest. I want him to be President. All of his movies look great.

And by great, I mean, well, you've seen the pictures.

What did I tell ya the Japanese love him.

And why shouldn't they? Just look at his pants

"Dude, I feel so funky in these pants that I just can't focus on what this dude is saying. Or maybe I'm just retarded."

Aren't those wonderful pants? Want to see more awesome Radio pants?

"I'm stopping you with the power of my funky pants. You shall not pass!!!"

Oh yeah!!!!

You know, I've got by far the coolest blog around. My blog rocks it hard in all the right places and in all the right ways. Darn, I'm funky.

Its kinda hard trying to follow up yesterdays "brilliant"(as Gregory put it) post. I feel a little like good ol' Cuba Gooding in this picture here

"Make me laugh, you little mo' fo'"

Actually, I'm not even thinking about it, I just needed an excuse to use that picture. Its just funny. Look at Cuba's expression. And those thug criminal types. Its a great picture, is it not?

Oh, are you remembering to clap your hands and shout "RADIO!!!" in your most rascist Japanese accent whenever you see a picture of Cuba? It makes this like 8.13 times more fun. Maybe even more.

"We think Radio is dope stuff. Cuba Gooding is da bomb! RADIO!!!! Japs 'L' Us."

Oh and if you're wondering, I'll get off of this Cuba Gooding Jr. kick eventually. I'm just having too much fun.

That's all for today. Share the love. Get AIDS.

And remember what Tom Cruise said in Magnolia:
"Respect the cock!"

Monday, November 24, 2003
  We now move on to more of nothing For full enjoyment of this blog, whenever you see a picture of Cuba Gooding Jr., start clapping your hands together and shout in your most rascist Japenese accent "RADIO!!!! RADIO!!!" Now on with the blog.

"One day, I'm gonna be smart."
Is it just me or is that a giant banana by Radio's hand? Or is Radio just happy to see the army guy? Actually its a little of both. That army guy is awesome. He's like a Beatle.

Anyway, my internet went down yesterday, which kept me from posting yesterday, which I really wanted to do. Look even Radio is sad about it.

"What do they mean I'm a retard and will never have a girlfriend? But my tie is awesome. Chicks totally dig it."

Well, as you can see, my internet connection is now working fine and dandy. Look these Japenese nurses are happy about it.


Actually, they're just showing their love of Cuba Gooding Jr. Japenese people love Cuba Gooding Jr.

(literal translation: You got that right, yo)

What Jerry Lewis is to France, Cuba Gooding Jr. is to Japan. They even look alike.

Jerry Lewis is the one thats not black

Um...back to my life. Yesterday, I got a fortune cookie and the fortune inside the cookie was:

"You won't be bored for long! New adventures are on their way."

I don't exactly know what it means, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with this

hmm...maybe I should stop now.

Hey, tell all your friends about my cool new blog. Share the love. Get AIDS.

And remember what Tom Cruise said to Cuba Gooding Jr. in Jerry Maguire:
Saturday, November 22, 2003
  This is how it all begins Yeah, I'm starting my own blog.

I go to other people's blogs and they are often filled with boring ramblings about their boring life or depressing teenage angst stuff. Not much to my liking. I wanted to see a blog that had pictures of retarded black men in shopping carts.


What can I say, retarded black people is shopping carts are awesome!!!

Visit my movie blog:http://aintitcoolcorey.blogspot.com

November 2003 / December 2003 / January 2004 / February 2004 / March 2004 / April 2004 / May 2004 / July 2004 / August 2004 /


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